Tuesday 24 July 2012

Mr. Mailman: COLD DAYS

Paperless ReadingA huge THANK YOU to Ken of Paperless Reading for hosting the "1 Year Blogoversary Giveaway" which made it possible for me to win a copy of Cold Days by Jim Butcher! And HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY to Paperless Reading!!

Couldn't wait to find it in my mail!! *big smile* This wait is worth another Mr. Mailman feature!

About Mr. Mailman:
Mr. Mailman is a kind of "blog meme" started by Juju over at Tales Of Whimsy to feature books which one is anxiously waiting to arrive in the mail!

Cold Days by Jim Butcher
Book 14 of the Dresden Files series

About Cold Days:
Librarian note:

Release date is a best guess based on Butcher's public comments that the manuscript is due in July.

More information: http://www.jimbutcheronline.com/bb/index.php/topic,31273.0.html
Source: Info in the About Cold Days was taken from GoodReads at http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12216302-cold-days on 05/07/2012.


  1. Nice! I sooooooooooooo need to try this author. Seriously, I don't know what I'm waiting for. Hope the book arrives soon ;)

  2. That cover always cracks me up :)

  3. I saw this one on your side bar yesterday. I'm very curious about it. And being int he Dresden files series, how that cover works into the story. lol. Hope you enjoy!


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