The Book
Atkinson's Apprentice by John Paul Bernett
Book 4 of The Reaper Series
Genre: urban fantasy
About Atkinson's Apprentice:
We travel forward six months as the dust from battle settles, and another turbulent time gives way to some much-needed tranquillity.Source: Info in the About Atkinson's Apprentice was from the press kit from the publicity team.
The Dark Realm had been put to the sword, and its inhabitants removed and turned into positive energy by Mother Nature.
In the other realm, Atkinson and Dewhirst were once again in total control of the Realm of Death, with John Smith proving to be a great choice as Reaper. Also, a feud between the gods of the other realm and the Goddess of Nature which had raged for countless millennia was over, and made for a more stable future for the planet.
Paul Johnson now had three golden scars on his chest, and a wedding to plan with his beloved Dixie.
Sarah and Gavin have their son Paladin on Atkinson’s team, as he begins to learn who he is and why he is to be a full-time resident on the Plane of Existence.
John Smith and Tom Harper are now firmly a couple who have burst onto the gay scene and are most definitely out of their respective closets.
As the disgraced Chief Inspector Crawshaw goes to trial, the police station has once again become the happy place it once was, as the now Chief Detective Superintendent Viktoria Malik had relocated to Paul Johnson’s old police station. Also, she and Linda Harper are moving in together, and their whirlwind romance is bringing talk of wedding bells.
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Books In The Reaper Series:
Meet The Author
About John Paul Bernett:
I have been a story teller all my life but I had a dark secret. A secret that stopped me showing anyone my work. I could neither read or write properly. I was classed as an idiot at school in the days before the word dyslexia was known. I would write story after story sometimes filling a large foolscap jotter (150 pages +)and when finished I would destroy it so no body would see it and laugh at me like they did at school. The very fact that I could not read never limited my stories because My head was full of them and still is to this day. The reason I began to have my work published was down to my wife Beverly Bernett. She used to be a radiology transcriptionist and could type really well. She saw on the computer one of my stories and asked me what it was. Rather embarrassed I said it was a story, she then read it put all the comma's full stops and everything else a story needs to make it readable without changing the words. She then sent it to and published it. She then gave me a mantra 'There is no wrong just write'. and here I am writing my fourth novella with one poetry book published as well and two poetry books being edited by her as we speak (11/01/14)
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End: 27th May 2015
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Additional sponsorship by the author John Paul Bernett.
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End: 27th May 2015
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