Tuesday 29 November 2011


The Gauntlet by Karen Chance
A Kit Marlowe short story.

Format: ebook

About The Gauntlet:
The Gauntlet is a Kit Marlowe short from The Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance 2 and a companion piece to The Queen's Witch.
Source: Info in the About The Gauntlet was taken from GoodReads at http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9459086-the-gauntlet on 20/06/2011.

This short story displayed the same compelling story telling quality that I've come to know with this author from reading her previous works. And that is always important to me as a reader. If the author's voice "feels" flat to me then I abandon that book because I got more books in my TBR pile which needed my attention so I won't waste it on a "flat" book. The world building felt like a little short changed, but maybe because this is a short story therefore there really is not a lot of room to play with. Although the story does have a good structure with a central dilemma and a resolution in the ending it reads like a one-scene strip. There is no build-up thrill. No unexpected twists in the plot. Heck, there isn't much room for a plot! So very straightforward. Therefore not as satisfying as reading a full novel. However, I can't give this book a less than 3 because the author's voice is good.

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 4.5
Character development = 4
Story itself = 3
Ending = 3
World building = 4
Pace = 4

Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5 cherries

Freebie Link:

FTC Disclosure:
I downloaded this free ebook from Smashwords at http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/26142 on 20/06/2011. No compensation received for this review.

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