Genre: urban fantasy
The first two books were very good. And that was why I picked this one up. But.... There are just too many paradoxes that some of the story lines contradict each other. And I'm the kind of reader who likes the story to make sense. Then again there are readers out there who does not mind that very much as long as the story-telling quality is good. Which it is, well, for the last one-quarter of the book anyway. For the first three quarters of the book took me about two months to read. I literally have to force myself to finish reading the book just because I do not like "not-finish-reading-a-book". But it was hard going. The thing that saves this book from being a total no-reader is the author's story-telling quality. D.K. can spin a tale even with a very badly plotted paradoxes as this book is. And that is a real talent.
Rating: 1 cherry out of 5

Warrior Jake Tierny travels back in time to stop a traitor in his beloved king's camp. But when a twist of fate proves the mission unnecessary, Jake is trapped in a time not his own, with friends who cannot learn his true identity. Scott Dillon may be the king's trusted lieutenant, but he is also a man at war with himself, a human hybrid who refuses to succumb to the Antousian nature he abhors-and that Jake Tierny embodies. FBI linguist Hope Harper refuses to let near-blindness keep her from joining the Refarians in their war to defend mankind. Yet her sizzling attraction to both Scott and Jake, and the strange memories they share, force all three to question the core of their beliefs. As their enemies surround them, Hope knows she must choose one man for all time.Excerpt taken from the author's website at : http://www.deidreknight.com/parallel_seduction.html on 16/06/2009.

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